Who We Are
The ACPA celebrates the full inclusion of all persons with printing presses expressing philosophies and ideas through the medium of printing and the printing arts.
The Amalgamated Coloured Printers Association (ACPA) was founded on Workers’ Day in 2010 in Gordo, Alabama, by Founding Members Rick Griffith, Amos Paul Kennedy Jr., Jeremy Peterson, and Jessica Peterson. Now deceased supporter and professor emeritus Glenn House and several enthusiasts were also in attendance.
Members of the ACPA believe in the mission and the 12 rules of the ACPA which were initially printed in Gordo, Alabama, May 1, 2010.
We are found on Instagram under @theprintersunion
2020 voter mobilization initiative
In 2020, the ACPA is sponsoring a nationwide voter mobilization initiative in which printer affiliates can exchange posters with each other and provide their various communities with posters that encourage voter engagement.
Available Prints
Voter Mobilization prints are available from Affiliates around the United states for $11.03 (plus local taxes, and shipping and handling where applicable).
Rules and Announcements are available only from ACPA Headquarters. Free with postage and handling fees (minimal).
Affiliates of the ACPA are encouraging voter mobilization across the United States. While the ACPA members espouse many political views, this ‘Coast-to-Coast Voter Mobilization Initiative’ is not connected to any political view other than that to engage in the American experiment called democracy.
We will reward all affiliates and organizers who sell/give posters away with more tools to help engage the people. We do not capture people to influence them—we provide platforms for people to express themselves.
The press is one such platform. As printers, we are an essential aspect of expressing this democracy.